Last chance this summer: No More Binges
Time is long. But it's also short.
Image: De sfinx bij de piramides in de vlakte van Gizeh, Egypte, L. Heldring, 1898, Rijksmuseum. Used with permission.
Hello my friends! I don't say this very often but it's never been more true: You are dear to me. Thank you for being here.
So this happened: I got terrible news about the health of someone extremely important to me. Not Mr Jones; he's fine.
Except: is he? We don't know! Like Pema always says: No guarantees, girl. "We could be dead LATER THIS AFTERNOON."
I mention this because I'm feeling time is short, and I want to be of use. Here's how:
After last week's email about No More Binges I got a question about do I ask you to count calories (HELL NO) and whether one could follow a vegan diet (certainly; anything you like), etc. I answered and this very nice person wrote back: Thanks! I'll give your program serious consideration.
And I thought, Oh wow please don't do that. Serious consideration would be a waste of your day. If it's not a HELL, YES! it's a no.
Listen, if someone says hey, there's this series you can use to quit bingeing, and it's cheap and easy. The method is simple, it's sustainable, it's dignified, it's flexible, it's pretty damn painless. And IT WORKS!
And to this you say, Yeah, I'll think about that, my hunch is you don't have the kind of problem that No More Binges solves.
>> No More Binges is for people who want to get their out-of-control eating under control. <<
This series is for people who are driven to eat more than they know is good for them. No More Binges is for those folks who have a habit of eating frantically or urgently—whether a lot or a little—even while their rational mind is screaming WTF are you doing???! We agreed not to do this!!! and yet they do, screaming back SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP I DON'T CARE WE'LL GET BACK ON TRACK TOMORROW!!!!
And then when they crawl out from the wreckage of stuff they said they wouldn't eat, some of it entirely gross (yeah, I know this from the inside), all of it garnished with the tattered remains of their self-respect, what's waiting for them?
Self-hate, self-shaming, and self-punishment.
If this is you and you're sick of it, get in here. No More Binges will give you a way out of shame and self-hatred and secrets and feeling like a freak and very much less-than everyone else.
It's for people who want to EAT and be free, and NOT EAT and still be free. It's for you if you're thinking uhhhh HELL YES I want to be free of this problem FOREVER.
It's for people who think, Wait, for REAL?! You mean I can actually be untroubled by compulsive eating FOREVER? I can eat like a regular old muggle person for the rest of my life? Oh hell yes that is worth more than $49 to me. That's like: my life back. That is worth like a HOUSE to me. <— what I would have given, had this method been out there, instead of something I had to invent for myself.
(Definitely a small condo.)
Here is what Deb, someone who did No More Binges earlier this season wrote me this week:
"Thanks, Max. In the 30 days I did this program, I only binged once. If I could find the words to tell you how amazing that is, you would have your socks knocked off. I truly would not have believed that possible."
Important note!
When you sign up to get the series, you must check the box for "updates." That's how you get the emails.
Have a glorious July! 🌴
Shop will be closing at midnight June 30. You can get No More Binges here. You can read some more details here.
See you in August!