Don't negotiate.

Image: Couple Wearing the Latest French Fashion, Jean Picart, after Jean de Saint-Igny, 1628, Rijksmuseum. Used with permission.

Image: Couple Wearing the Latest French Fashion, Jean Picart, after Jean de Saint-Igny, 1628, Rijksmuseum. Used with permission.

I don't normally watch TED talks.

They're just so formulaic, as a rule. But I'm on semi-holiday, knitting in the wings and waiting to go on baby duty for my first grandchild. Filling time! And I came across a smart exercise guy from Portland, Oregon called Ogie Shaw. Who says this:

If you want to exercise, do it every day. Or most days.

NOBODY SAYS THIS. So I was suddenly glued to YouTube. Ogie continues:

If you try to exercise 3x / week, it's just too hard. There's too much negotiating. Should I? No? Maybe tomorrow.

See? Too many decisions.Start negotiating with resistance and it's over.

Instead, Ogie says three things:

  1. Exercise every day.

  2. First thing in the morning, when you have the most control over your schedule.

  3. And keep it brief. 20 minutes, tops.

Me, I don't follow these rules. I go to the gym 4x / week, I spend almost three hours walking there, working out and walking back (I need to for MOOD), and I do it right before lunch.

But I'm not trying to establish a habit. I'm already in a gym groove. If I were trying to start exercising, I would absolutely use Ogie's method.

Tell me what you think. Objections? Or does this make you want to start exercising right now? I'd love to know.

Reminder: If you're interested in getting expert support with establishing better habits around eating less and moving more:

You can sign up for my weekly mentoring program through JUNE 30. All the details here. Next time spots open up is in the fall.

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