TL;DR: Get my short and smart new book “Meals at Mealtimes: Rapid Recovery from Binge Eating” here. It might just be all you ever need.
You can stop bingeing by bedtime tonight.
It’s just so much easier than you’ve been told.
Welcome to Body of Knowledge, a simple, sustainable, flexible, dignified, effective and practically instant way to stop binge eating.*
(*I say “binge eating”. You might say emotional eating, yo-yo dieting, compulsive eating, stress eating, food obsession, out-of-control eating, or something else.)
I’m Max Daniels, a recovered binge eater. I tried EVERYTHING to get a grip on myself and stop bingeing—same as you.
And when I say “everything” I mean dieting, restricting, fasting, therapy, meditation, “mindful eating” and a whole lot of other stuff. Stuff that just left me in physical and emotional pain.
One day I sat up and said “I’m gonna have to build it myself”. So I did.
And here I am! Founder. First user. VERY RECOVERED. And after all these years, still smokin’ what I’m sellin’.
What it is.
A simple, cheap DIY method based on an ancient foodway you might have heard of: meals at mealtimes. It’s a 10,000-year-old solution to a very human problem. (Yeah, food is not just a binge eater’s problem.)
And it’s been hiding in plain sight.
What it’s not.
It’s not a diet. It’s not any kind of weight-loss method. (You could lose weight this way—a lot of people do—but not because you’re working at it. There’s almost no work here.)
And it’s not hard. It’s not even hard! It’s just … eating. Which you are already motivated to do.
It’s also emphatically not…
Body of Knowledge isn’t something that’s gonna make you gain weight. In case weight is a concern, know this: I haven’t had a single person report weight gain when they switched from chaotic eating to eating meals.
And it’s not a thing that’s gonna take a ton of time, money and energy!
I am very much against the idea that bingeing is an intractable disease that you need long-term, expert*, expensive intervention to recover from. I think you might not need that.
(*If you want to call someone with zero personal experience an “expert”.)
Work with me
Of course, there’s a little more to say about this than “just eat meals”. (Not much! Just a LITTLE.) If you want more, you can
do some 1:1 coaching with me. Book a free 15-minute Zoom to see if we’re a match. No presh! We’ll just get to know each other a little.
sign up to my newsletter, which is short, funny, comes out weekly, and will give you a heads up when I’m about to teach a No More Binges class
get a copy of No More Binges, The End!, my 30-day self-guided program. It might be the only thing you ever need to quit binging for good. And it’s only $12.