Cleanup on Aisle Homepage.

Image: Christen kijkt toe hoe een man en vrouw de vloer schoonmaken, Jan Luyken, 1687, Rijksmuseum. Used with permission.

Image: Christen kijkt toe hoe een man en vrouw de vloer schoonmaken, Jan Luyken, 1687, Rijksmuseum. Used with permission.

Hello friends! News this week: I updated my website. Normally when someone announces new website with fanfare etc I'm like YAWWWWWWWN so if you feel that way too I get it!

Nothing really exciting happened here except I had an epiphany about why people keep contacting me to help them lose weight.

It's because I talk about weight loss ALL OVER my damn website. D'oh!

So I went in and SCRUBBED that.

To clarify:

1. There isn't always something wrong with wanting to lose some weight. It doesn't necessarily mean you're a dupe of the system and have unwittingly bought into a vicious beauty standard.

2. I don't think it's impossible to lose weight, as some folks assert. It can of course be done, although it's usually more of an effort than people think it should be.

3. I personally can't do everything. I am good excellent SUPER! at helping people demolish binge eating in record time. If you want to break the binge habit fast—like, by tonight—I am your gal.

But if you want breaking the habit to take a really, really, really long time, do this: insist on losing weight first.

4. I am NOT saying that breaking the binge habit entails gaining weight. It virtually never does. Most often, people lose weight with no added effort.

5. HOWEVER! I will just say the weight loss space is IMO a really gross space. If I can only do one thing, it's an easy choice, because I don't enjoy sharing a space with 99% of the sellers of weight loss.

And I have found it's pretty damn hard to STAY HONEST about what it takes to lose weight and also please people at the same.

And that makes this ANOTHER email about weight loss after I said I wasn't gonna talk about weight loss anymore. This MIGHT be the last one? I hope??

But I have also been getting a lot of requests for No More Binges class. I'm working on updating those materials, and class is coming. You will of course find out about that here.

Good stuff

I have a couple recommendations for you this week:

The first is my mentor Martha Beck's new book, The Way of Integrity. If you like to be shook and comforted at the same time, this is the book for you. I finished it and immediately started again at the beginning. It is full of hope and also ripping yarns.

This week I took a free bystander intervention training to stop anti-Asian/American and xenophobic harassment from Hollaback!. This training was extremely practical. I have no doubt that I will put it into use.

You too can get trained for free, and if you've read the news anytime in the past few years you don't need to me to tell you why it'd be useful. The training takes about an hour. Details and signup here:

Max Daniels