
It's been another bad week in America. This will be short.

There is a Buddhist sutra that goes "generosity is the virtue that produces peace." The ancients were not just talking about cold hard cash, obviously, but it's a VERY EFFECTIVE and IMMEDIATE way to help in our world: take some cold hard cash and make it move.

I am a white person who wants generous, comprehensive, systemic reparations now: for Black Americans, for indigenous Americans, for Japanese-Americans, for others. Our current administration has different ideas.

Our next administration doesn't look like getting on the reparations train either. It is up to us. 

Money is power in our world. Redistributing wealth redistributes power.

Here are some vetted ideas, if you need them, for using your financial power for this particular good. 

Charity is not the only way to redistribute resources. Banking black and buying black, even a little more, are useful actions. These actions are not in themselves enough, but they are concrete and they are not hard. 

Am I a saint because I donate and attempt to buy black? Haha nope. Could I do more? No question.

Do you already do things like this, perhaps that no one knows about? I am quite sure that you do.

So please don’t hear this like another one of those numerous awful scolding white women dragging other white women to make themselves look good by comparison. This is not that.

I just can’t not talk about it this week. I hope you are well. 

T H A N K   Y O U  for everything you are doing.

Max Daniels